Monaco, March 20th, 2024: LAGOSTA honored to host His Serene Highness Albert II at its exhibition booth during the 6th Edition of the Monaco Ocean Innovators Platform, at the Monaco Yacht Club

Albert II, the Sovereign Prince of Monaco,  joined LAGOSTA’s co-founders, Christophe Maier and Sebastien Ferraz, for the unveiling of the Ocean Innovation Platform 2024 Exhibition Zone, part of Monaco Ocean Week 2024. The Ocean Innovators Platform focuses on showcasing cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions aimed at conserving the world’s oceans, seas, and marine resources.

 Photo credit: Axel Bastello/Palais princier

LAGOSTA is a leading blue biotechnology company that specializes in the organic and sustainable farming of the Mediterranean royal spiny lobster. They achieve this through the innovative recycling of by-products into pharmaceutical biocompounds. The founders are committed to developing a sustainable and forward-thinking marine aquaculture system that minimizes environmental impact, transforms waste into value, and safeguards the natural population of the species.